Panama Free Trade Zone Residency Visa & Panama Call Center Investor Residence

panama free trade zone

The free trade zone and call center investor residency status requires that the applicant invest in the minimum amount of US$ 250,000.00.

The foreigner should provide to the Immigration Office, evidence the origin of the funds invested, as well as his direct investment and the payment of required amount.

Once the visa petition is filed, a provisional residency permit, valid for a period of two years is granted to the applicants. At the end of the two-years period, the applicant may apply for the permanent residency. The permanent residency permit grants the applicant an additional foreign resident permanent ID Card and the right to apply for Panamanian Nationality after 5 years (which includes the initial 2 years of temporary residency).

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Citizens from Asia, Middle East and Africa, kindly note that Panama’s Immigration Office may have your country on a List of Restricted Countries subject to Special Requirements. For more information, please click here.

The BusinessPanama Group together with Pardini & Asociados

Provides a convenient One Stop Shop offering the services of:

Setting up the company or branch

Applying for visas & residence

Real estate brokerage for locating office or housing

Legal services

Accessing special tax incentives

Relocation services

Assistance with opening bank accounts.

For more information, please contact us.