Panama, an Investment Opportunity
Welcome to Panama, discover the benefits to invest in this amazing country
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Key Reasons to do Business
Panama's strategic location, it's international financial center, export zones, ports, airports and logistic services, tourism and more...
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Headquarters for Multinationals
Adidas, Nestle, Philips, Caterpillar and more than 189 multinationals companies have established their operations base in Panama
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Real Estate Opportunities!
Panama offers strong investment options for international real estate buyers interested in offices, apartments, houses or projects
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The Best Immigration and Residence Programs
Panama is one of the Top 5 Retirement Destinations of the World. Discover our Complete Immigration Solution to live here...
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About Business Panama Group

The Business Panama Group is a well-established group of companies, professionals and alliance partners with 20 years of experience promoting and facilitating business, investments, real estate, immigration and tourism in Panama by providing information, business development and support services to individual and corporate investors.

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FAQs about Bank Mortgage Financing in Panama

FAQs about Bank Mortgage Financing in Panama Q: What are the General Terms and Requirements to obtain a Mortgage Loan?A: The following are the average terms and conditions of mortgage banks in Panama. This mean that specific rates and conditions may vary from bank to bank. Financing: Between 60% – 70% of the purchase price or…

Panamá se posiciona en el epicentro de la industria de semiconductores

Panamá se posiciona en el epicentro de la industria de semiconductores Por su estabilidad económica, marcos legales transparentes, compromiso con la innovación, capacidad de implementación de proyectos, y buenas relaciones internacionales, Panamá se consolida como beneficiario de los fondos ITSI (International Technical Support and Innovation) para el desarrollo de la industria de semiconductores, informó el…

Ciudad de Panamá baja posiciones en ranking de ciudades más costosas

Ciudad de Panamá baja posiciones en ranking de ciudades más costosas Ciudad de Panamá bajó tres posiciones con respecto al año anterior, sin embargo, su posición geográfica, conectividad y estabilidad económica la mantienen como un destino para que las compañías transnacionales movilicen su talento desde otras latitudes asegurando el cumplimiento de la cuota establecida por…

Unifeeder Group arrives in Panama to continue expansion in Latin America

Unifeeder Group arrives in Panama to continue expansion in Latin America Unifeeder Group, one of the main multi-regional container and feeder operating companies, settled in Panama to continue its expansion in Latin America (LATAM) from here, promoting trade and economic growth in the region. The company reported that the new Panama team will support Unifeeder’s…

Special Features


Setting up a Business

Key Reasons for Doing Business in Panama

The US dollar as currency in Panama

Leading Investments

Investment Opportunities in Panama


Visas & Residence

Immigration & Residency Options in Panama


Retirement and Living

Highlights, Benefits and Places to retire in Panama