Panama is Your Place
Welcome to Panama, discover the benefits to invest in this amazing country
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Key Reasons to do Business
Panama's strategic location, it's international financial center, export zones, ports, airports and logistic services, tourism and more...
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Headquarters for Multinationals
Adidas, Nestle, Philips, Caterpillar and more than 189 multinationals companies have established their operations base in Panama
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Real Estate Opportunities!
Panama offers strong investment options for international real estate buyers interested in offices, apartments, houses or projects
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The Best Immigration and Residence Programs
Panama is one of the Top 5 Retirement Destinations of the World. Discover our Complete Immigration Solution to live here...
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About Business Panama Group

The Business Panama Group is a well-established group of companies, professionals and alliance partners with 20 years of experience promoting and facilitating business, investments, real estate, immigration and tourism in Panama by providing information, business development and support services to individual and corporate investors.

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Panamá mantiene su atractivo como destino de inversión inmobiliaria para extranjeros

Panamá mantiene su atractivo como destino de inversión inmobiliaria para extranjeros Panamá continúa consolidándose como un destino para la inversión extranjera, especialmente en el sector inmobiliario, donde se ha registrado un aumento del 7% en nuevos proyectos respecto al año anterior. Este crecimiento se refleja principalmente en la construcción de viviendas y oficinas, segmentos que…

Foreign investors explore business opportunities in different areas in Panama

Foreign investors explore business opportunities in different areas in Panama A delegation of foreign investors led by Kuwaiti businesswoman Dana Al Salem is in Panama exploring the competitive advantages and benefits offered by the country, with the aim of identifying business opportunities in sectors such as renewable energy, real estate, film production and tourism. During…

Panama would be joining Mercosur as an “Associated State”

Panama would be joining Mercosur as an Associated State The Minister of Commerce and Industry (MICI), Julio Moltó, announced that Panama is focused on becoming an “Associated State” of the Southern Common Market (Mercosur), which would involve signing a trade agreement with the economic bloc and beginning a consolidation process. Moltó stressed that the efforts…

Special Features


Business in Panama

Key Reasons for Doing Business in Panama

The US dollar as currency in Panama

Invest in Panama

Investment Opportunities in Panama


Visas & Residence

Immigration & Residency Options in Panama


Retirement and Living

Highlights, Benefits and Places to retire in Panama