Multinational companies continue to choose Panama

Posted on 2021-09-06

During 14 years the regime of multinational companies generated an investment of 1.3 billion dollars, generating more than 7,000 jobs.
The regime of headquarters of multinational companies provides benefits such as: extension of income tax and are not subject to the payment of the operation notice tax, among others.
Specialists emphasize that this investment is an important engine for economic reactivation.
During 2020, foreign investment fell 86.4 percent, according to a report by the Comptroller’s Office.
The economy of services provided by the country due to its land, maritime and air connectivity, makes it an important logistics hub for the region.
It should be noted that so far in 2021, 13 multinational company headquarters licenses have been granted, representing investments of more than $ 24.1 million and the creation of more than 350 jobs.
Source: EcoTvPanama